Tuesday 25 April 2017

Whiplash Audience Positioning. Key scenes.

The way the audience is POSITIONED – 
Media texts are structured in ways that position audiences to adopt a particular perspective or point of view.

Starter: Discuss and make notes on how to approach this question:

B1. Discuss the different ways audiences are positioned by your three main texts.


This question invites candidates to consider the content of their studied texts in relation to audience positioning. There may be some definitions of ‘audience positioning’ – which is acceptable and should be marked on merit. Candidates may consider how texts are encoded to encourage a preferred reading and the ways audiences are positioned to accept this. Candidates may make references to the following:

 Mode of Address
 Male Gaze theory (Mulvey)
 Camera, technical codes, point of view shots etc.
 Stuart Hall: ideologies, preferred readings etc.
 Narrative – plot
 User involvement; interactivity
 Situated culture
 Stars and characters
 Genre devices
 Visual/direct appeal of print texts
 Use of narrator/voice-over

Task 1: 

Watch the key scenes and indicate how technical codes; sound, edit, framing, lighting position the audience. Use the handout provided.

A: Beginning -why did you stop playing?

B: Chair throwing sequence!

C: Andrew makes his come back

D: Bar scene

E: Final scene

frenetic editing. The narrative element of an antagonistic relationship between Fletcher and Andrew – suspense is built as A ndrew improvises. Changes in shot angles. Close ups utilised to capitalise on emotion. Suspense is built through location: the audience consists of people who “don’t forget”; Andrew’s future prospects may be compromised. Fletcher, depicted as the antagonist (arguably) sports dark clothing

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