Sunday 26 March 2017

Assessment 8 TV Audience Responses.

Consider how texts are encoded to encourage a preferred reading and the ways audiences are positioned to accept this.

STARTER: Complete column 1 of the handout, (production companies, channel etc)

Explore the different ways audiences or users respond to texts.

One of the key words here is ‘explore’, this implies a detailed analysis. So include specific extracts from the case studies.

You need to demonstrate your understanding of the terminology used.

1. For example; what are the different types of audience?

2. Notice that the focus of this question is on audience responses, these would need to be defined too.


The mark scheme for this question says to look for the following:

Answers may begin within a discussion of the texts’ audiences - which is acceptable. 
Answers may include references to theory (acceptable) but theory should be linked to (studied) texts and to the ways audiences respond. Answers may make reference to some of the following points:

 Media texts are (generally) polysemic
 Responses may be dependent on social positioning, demographic and psychographic profiles
Actual responses – e.g. fan sites, critics’ reviews, audience/user forums, awards, news reports etc.
Links to preferred, dominant, negotiated and oppositional readings (Stuart Hall)

Response may be dependent on the reasons for “using” it – links to Uses and Gratifications theory.


Task 1: 
Look at the specific extracts which are shown on the handout provided.
In the boxes, comment on each of the following:

  • Polysemic? Does the scene have several different messages encoded?
  • Social positioning of target audience, demographic and psychographic (NRS).
  • Preferred, dominant, negotiated and oppositional readings (S. Hall).
  • Audiences reasons for “using” it (Uses and Gratification theory.

Task 2: 
With consideration given to audiences for the three texts, comment on the issues which are shown on the handout provided.
In the boxes, comment on each of the following:

  • Representations of Gender
  • OfCom issues.
  • Use of technical codes in specific scenes.
  • How did the show affect you personally?
    Change of Opinion/Learned New Information/Left a Strong Impression/Affected You Deeply

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