Monday 13 March 2017

Audiences applied to three TV Industry case studies.

Example exam question:
Using your own detailed examples, explore the ways in which media texts target audiences.

Give an example of how gender may affect how an audience may respond to a media text.
(Bullet points-White boards)

Key terms:
Narrow Cast - This is where a text, for example a show about gardening, will target a very specific narrow audience.
Genre specific lexis - Choice of words used that are linked to a specific genre.

Audience responses

How and why do different audiences respond in different ways to media texts?

An audience is made up of individuals who will respond to media texts and the messages contained within them in different ways according to:

Gender - men and women may respond differently to certain media texts. Some texts may alienate a particular gender through, or example, images and terminology.

Age - The age of audiences may evoke different responses. For example, younger people are said to be more desnsitized to violence in certain media texts.

Ethnicity - The upbringing and beliefs of different ethnic groups may affect their response to, for example, a news report on war in a foreign country.

Culture and cultural experience - The upbringing and ideologies of the audience as well as life experiences will affect how an audience responds to a text. The text itself may also shape the experience of the audience. For example, you may never have been to America but your perception of it may be formed by what you have seen in films, newspapers and television.

Cultural competence - This also links with age experience and gender. Some audiences may have different cultural competences than others. For example, older people may be less comfortable with accessing information through digital technology.

Situated culture - Where you are and who you are with affects how you respond to a text.

*This can be used with Stuart Hall's audience response theory.

Task 1: Identify two or three responses to Happy Valley by audiences.
Task 2: Identify two or three responses to First Dates by audiences.
Task 3: Identify two or three responses to  Always Sunny target by audiences?

Audience Targeting

Who is the target audience of the text?
How do media texts target and appeal to an audience?

Questions like this address what the particular text does to attract an audience. In order to understand how this happens you need to be aware of the target audience of the text. Different texts will adopt different approaches - some texts narrow cast and others will try to attract a broad audience.
Techniques used to attract audiences include:

Technical and audio codes-the text may employ these to target an audience. The fast paced editing and dramatic music of an action format serves to attract audiences, likewise the colourful layout and varied fonts of a gossip magazine

Language and mode of address-may target a specific audience and alienate another. For example, the images and text on the call of Duty games cover may use lexis and a tone specific to an audience of young men, only they will understand the language and references as they are the intended audience. The voice over of a reality TV show may attract viewers through the promise of an awkward narrative.

Construction-The way in which the trailer for a film is edited and constructed will be designed to target an audience . This may involve the inclusion of enigmas, multi strand narratives, use of stars, a persuasive voice over.
A magazine may, using the image, sell lines and cover lines on its front cover, construct a clear idea of who the readership of the magazine should be.

Context-The context is extremely relevant-the placing of an advertisement for beer or a sports car during half time of a football match will more obviously target the audience for the product.

Positioning-This may be through camera shots and angles, the use of music and other audio codes, the language and mode of address or through empathy with the characters.

Task 4: How does Happy Valley target and appeal to an audience?
Task 5: How does First Dates target and appeal to an audience?
Task 6: How does Always Sunny target and appeal to an audience?

Example exam question:
Using your own detailed examples, explore the ways in which media texts target audiences.

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