Monday 15 May 2017

Approaching the exam.

The three industries with relevant texts that you have been studying are as follows:

Music Industry:
Little Mix - Catfish and the Bottlemen - Beyonce

TV Industry:
Happy Valley - First Dates - Always Sunny

Film Industry:
The Theory of Everything - Jurassic World - Whiplash


For each text selected, candidates should consider the following:

 genre  narrative  representation

 audience/user targeting
 audience/user positioning
 audience responses and user interaction
 debates about the relationship between audiences/users and text.

 production
 distribution (and exhibition where relevant)
 marketing and promotion
 regulation issues
 global implications
 relevant historical background


A written examination of two and a half hours, assessing AO1 and AO2. 
The paper will consist of two sections: 
Section A will offer two questions based on media texts; 
Section B will offer four questions based on industry and audience issues. 
Candidates will be required to answer one question from Section A 
and two questions from Section B, using a different media industry for each answer. 

Each question will require them to make reference to the three main texts they have studied for each media industry. 


Rubric Infringement

It is a requirement for this unit that candidates refer to three main texts in each of their answers. If candidates refer to less than three texts, the following adjustments will be made:

Two texts referred to - 3

One text or no text referred to - 5


Useful links:

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