Saturday 6 May 2017

Film Industry - Jurassic World - Audience Responses

Past Exam Question:
B1. Discuss the different ways audiences may respond to your three main texts.

Starter: Define these Key Media Studies terms (white boards):
  • Oppositional readings
  • Polysemic
  • Decode the messages

Starter continued:
Look at the poster above.
Identify the visual codes used
Identify the technical codes used

What do you think (and why) is the target audience for the movie Jurassic World


Some Reviews of Jurassic World. These are 'actual audience responses':

Task 1:

Watch this behind the scenes clip and consider the themes encoded in Jurassic World.

Task 2:
Watch the key scenes and consider how different audiences may respond (Stuart Hall).

A. Stand Down

B. Mosasaurus scene

C. Gyrosphere

D. Bryce Dallas Howard

Task 3: 
Look at the specific extracts which are shown above.
In the boxes on the handout provided, comment on each of the following:

  • Polysemic? Does the scene have several different messages encode
  • Preferred, dominant, negotiated and oppositional readings (S. Hall).
  • Audiences reasons for “using” it (Uses and Gratification theory).
Quotes from the director Colin Trevorrow:

There’s a story about a tiger that had been raised in captivity that got loose and just went on a killing spree, like a serial killer. And it killed everything in its path, every living thing that it came upon. And so we based [the Indominus story] on that, and there are examples all over of animals raised in captivity not necessarily having the same psyche, the same mindset as animals that have grown up in a more traditional environment.

Bryce Dallas Howard's character gives no regard for the holographic dinosaurs in the visitor center. She simply walks right through them, completely unimpressed. This symbolizes her view of the dinosaurs as nothing more than data, rather than living, breathing animals

Interview with the director Colin Trevorrow:

Home work: Plan and essay response to the past exam question:

Discuss the different ways audiences may respond to your three main texts.

Refer only to Jurassic World.

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