Monday 29 May 2017

REVISION 2 TV Industry. Audience Issues


-TV Text case studies information: 

Key terms Polysemy:

The capacity for a sign (such as a word, phrase, or symbol) to have multiple meanings

Exam question:
B4. Discuss actual audience responses to your three main texts. [30]

A response to this question requires you to let the examiner know that you are familiar with types of audiences for the texts and why they might respond in different ways.

This question is focused more on actual responses than theoretical responses and is looking for candidates’ knowledge of these, there is still room for responses linked to theory.

Answers may make reference to some of the following points:
  • Media texts are (generally) polysemic 
  • Responses may be dependent on social positioning, demographic and psychographic profiles 
  • Actual responses may come through fan sites, critics’ reviews, audience/user forums, awards, news reports, phone-ins, voting etc. 
  • References to personal/class responses are valid but should be supported by examples 
  • Links to the use of social media – blogs, Twitter, Facebook etc 
  • Responses may be linked to sales, circulation figures, ratings, box office success etc. 
  • Links to Stuart Hall: preferred, dominant, negotiated and oppositional readings 
  • Response may be dependent on the reasons for “using” it – links to Uses and Gratifications theory 
  • Links to Two Step Flow Theory.  

        See grid handout for TV texts:

Useful links:
Guardian review, series one.
Did Happy Valley go too far?
Facebook Happy Valley policy
Link to awards for Happy Valley:

        Links to awards for First Dates:

January 2012

B3. Explore the different ways your three main texts attract their audiences. [30]

B4. How global is the appeal of your three main texts? [30]

June 2012

B1. Discuss the audience appeal of your three main texts. [30]

B4. ‘The main function of a media text is to entertain its audience.’ How true is this for your three main texts? [30]

January 2013

B1. To what extent are stars and/or celebrities important to the promotion of your three main texts? [30]

B2. Explore the different ways your three main texts target their audiences. [30]

B3. Explore the different ways audiences interact with your three main texts. [30]

June 2013

B1. What do texts offer audiences? Refer to your three main texts in your answer. [30]

B3. How do your three main texts position audiences? [30]

January 2014

B3. To what extent do your three main texts appeal to different audiences? [30]

B4. ‘A global audience is important to media industries.’ Discuss this statement with reference to your three main texts. [30]

June 2014

B3. Explore the different ways audiences respond to your three main texts. [30]

B4. To what extent do your three main texts target a mainstream audience? [30]

June 2015

B1. Explore the different audience appeals of your three main texts. [30]

B3. To what extent do your three main texts target a global audience? [30]

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